Teacher Career Pathway
Teacher Career Pathway at Vista College Prep
Vista’s Teacher Career Pathway (TCP) develops, rewards, and recognizes excellent teaching. By recruiting and retaining excellent teachers to our classrooms, we empower our scholars to aim higher and go further by giving them access to a top quality education that prepares them for competitive high schools, colleges and the world beyond.
Development and Evaluation of Framework
Vista aims to coach and develop each teacher into the best teacher. Every teacher receives consistent and robust professional development and coaching from school leaders. Given the complexity of teaching, Vista uses a multi-measure evaluation system to determine a teacher's effectiveness. Vista uses a holistic evaluation based on both teacher inputs and student outcomes. The evaluation includes the following components:
Quality of Instruction
An excellent teacher at Vista works relentlessly to improve. Teachers receive consistent observations, feedback, and coaching aligned to the Vista College Prep Teacher Observation Rubric.
Student Academic Outcomes
Student academic growth and achievement outcomes are core to Vista’s mission. The primary responsibility of all teachers at Vista is to create classrooms where all scholars realize their full potential.
Student & Family Relationships
Student and family relationships are foundational to student learning and growth. Vista creates a caring community by fostering a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and support for all scholars and families.
Core Observable Behaviors
Great teachers not only have a positive impact on students and families, they also have a positive impact on the entire school community. An excellent Vista teacher is a great instructor, as well as a great teammate.
Observation and feedback are the cornerstone of Vista’s teaching model - teachers get better with consistent, targeted feedback about their practice. Over the course of the school year, teachers will receive consistent coaching from their direct manager using the TCP Teacher Observation Rubric. Vista believes that targeted and strategic teacher coaching - that meets them where they are and aligns to the vision of excellence - drives stronger academic achievement and cultural results for students.
At the conclusion of each year, using scores from the Development and Evaluation Framework, teachers have the opportunity to advance along the Pathway. Thus earning additional compensation and rewards based on performance.
Teacher Observation Rubric

Increased Compensation and Recognition
In recognition for strong contributions to their students and to the school at large, teachers will earn increased compensation, professional development opportunities, and formal recognition as they advance along the levels of the TCP. Vista College Prep values great teaching and the TCP allows teachers to be fairly compensated for their great work and to view teaching as a sustainable and financially-viable career.
Compensation based on the TCP will be reflected in a teacher’s annual salary. Increasing salaries is a commitment that recognizes the importance of the work teachers do each day. This approach to compensation balances experience and impact. Each teacher’s salary will consist of two parts: (1) pay based on years of experience and education attainment, and (2) pay based on their TCP level. These two factors are combined to determine a teacher’s yearly salary.
A Year at a Glance
First Quarter
All TCP eligible teachers receive consistent, targeted observation and development from trained coaches.
In August, performing teachers receive the first installment of their previous year TCP compensation, $1,750.
Second Quarter
All TCP eligible teachers receive consistent, targeted observation and development from trained coaches.
In December, performing teacher receive the second installment of their previous year TCP compensation, $1,750.
Third Quarter
All TCP eligible teachers receive consistent, targeted observation and development from trained coach.
Fourth Quarter
All TCP eligible teachers receive consistent, targeted observation and development from trained coaches.
Teachers engage in an end of year conversation with their coach discussing all that they have accomplished and what they can expect for next year.
*This is a “Year at A Glance” of a Level 3 Performing Stage Teacher.